Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Request Granted

This morning I received a request from a fellow horse racing enthusiast, asking for my thoughts and input about his own horse racing blog, Amateurcapper. I obliged the request and have opted to share with you my reply:


You flatter me! Asking me to read your blog and provide my opinion! I'm delighted!

After perusing through Amateurcapper, the most obvious piece of information is that it is blue. Blue is a nice color. I like blue. I painted my daughter's room blue. I also won a blue ribbon in the 5th grade for the Three-Legged Race with my girlfriend, Pam. And my neighbor has a hound dog named Blue who's a nice doggie even though he poops in my yard. So blue is good.

Secondly, I noticed that you are very articulate about discussing horse racing, both in terms of handicapping as well as reviewing races. We have this common. Well, the horse racing part, anyway. Whereas my handicapping skills usually entail either (1) consuming two frozen margaritas, (2) spinning a Magic Beer Bottle, or (3) a good guess, I would speculate that our blogs would be quite dissimilar regarding this topic. That is good because I detest literary competition.

Additionally, I noted that you have a lovely blog list of some notable horse racing blogs. However, I noted that you have blatantly omitted Post Parade, West Points, I Need a Martini Mom, and Plumbing 101, which is a must on the blogroll because you never know when your son or daughter may flush a pudding cup down the toilet. However, I presume that these omissions are a minor oversight on your part as I'm fully aware that you have been consumed with the Breeders' Cup World Championships recently as well as devising a new strategy to win at Scrabble by scoring 96 points with the word ZENYATTA.

Needless to say, you are a competent horse racing blogger and I, for one, would welcome another intelligent voice to the TBA.


Amateurcapper said...

No offense meant by the omission, just hadn't gotten to adding the bottom 1/2 of the list. Thanks to you and the others that have taken the time to check out my posts. Blue is for my love of the Dodgers and Bruins. Blue was the color of the sky during this magnificent weekend of horse racing at Santa Anita and what I see for 3/4 of the year in SoCal.
As for me being articulate, I fake it quite a bit but I'm sure my junior high school journalism teacher would be proud anyway :)
I must fess up...when I wrote yesterday that you gave me an idea for a selection method, I was thinking of Magic 8 Ball for next year's Breeders' Cup. I've already used it this year to select a president :)! I guess I'll have to come up with a more original twist to my spot.

suebroux said...

Not offended at all, Rob, although I can't speak for the plumber ...

Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I think the site is excellent. Sue, we appreciate you giving your indispensable advice in helping this thriving thoroughbred community by encouraging innovative and new writers. Kudos!!! I think I'll have a beer at Applebys in your honor. Or BWW. Or whatever I'm close to tonight. Whatever it is, I'm sure there will be Grain Belt.

Anonymous said...

If you can't find Grain Belt, there is always Leinenkugel's. I know because I have a cold one my hands even as I type.